Ask The Doctor

Read below to watch our doctors answering questions that are commonly asked in our office.

Is it harmful to use loratadine and Nasacort daily?

On this episode, Dr. Forwith talks about:

1. Is it harmful to use loratadine and Nasacort daily? If I don’t use them, I get stopped up at night.
2. I was diagnosed with a bovine allergy after being bitten by a lone star tick. Is it okay to get a flu shot? I was unsure if there could be anything in the flu shot that would cause a reaction.
3. I have a clogged ear and sound is muffled. I have tried drops, flushing and hot compresses with no luck. Any suggestions?
4. I was diagnosed with BPPV 2 months ago. I still have a mild dizziness, an increased level of tinnitus, & can still hear my pulse in my right ear. Is it normal to still be experiencing these symptoms at this point in time?


On this episode, Dr. Allison talks about Meinere’s disease, ABR testing and post sinus surgery.

1. I had nasal surgery to remove polyps and I feel great. My only issue is that I sound like I am talking through my nose. Any suggestions?
2. I’ve been told that I have fluid in my inner ear, which is plugged. I get episodes of dizziness, nausea and feeling like room is spinning. Is there anything to help with this?
3. I had sinus surgery and I am still having pains in my face and head. The only thing that seems to help is antibiotics. What can I do?
4. Does your facility do ABR testing on adults?


Do you treat Graves’s disease? If so, what does a typical treatment look like?

On this episode, Dr. Shotts talks about:

  1. Do you treat Graves’s disease? If so, what does a typical treatment look like?
  2. Can using Restasis for dry eyes cause sinus drainage?


My daughter has an ear infection. Is she allowed to go swimming?

On this episode, Dr. Hodge talks about:

  1. My daughter has an ear infection. Is she allowed to go swimming?
  2. Are there any home remedies for sinus infections?
  3. My left ear fells like it’s always clogged. I had the wax removed but very little came out and it still feels like water is in it. Any ideas?

If balloon sinuplasty is ruled out and endoscopic sinus surgery is required what are the risks and recovery?

On this episode, Dr. Forwith talks about:

  1. :16 – If balloon sinuplasty is ruled out and endoscopic sinus surgery is required what are the risks and recovery?
  2. 1:36 – I had sinus surgery 6 months ago and received relief from my terrible headaches. Is it normal to blow green, bloody excess out of your nose daily?
  3. 2:17 – Can I ever get rid of high-pitched ringing in my right ear? I believe I got it from an extremely loud fire alarm.

I have ocean waves and high pitched constantly in my left ear. Does this mean I’m losing hearing in that ear?

On this episode, Dr. Ingram talks about:

  1. I have ocean waves and high pitched constantly in my left ear. Does this mean I’m losing hearing in that ear?
  2. What is a FNA procedure?
  3. Are there any remedies to relieve fluid in the ears?


I've been experiencing muffled hearing in my right ear for a little over 2 weeks now. I feel like I have a cotton ball stuck in it. Have I lost hearing on my right side permanently?

On this episode, Dr. Allison talks about:

  1. I’ve been experiencing muffled hearing in my right ear for a little over 2 weeks now. I feel like I have a cotton ball stuck in it. Have I lost hearing on my right side permanently?
  2. What non-surgical method would you recommend for a benign Parotid gland Warthin’s Tumor?


My child is complaining of ear pain. At a recent checkup, tubes were still in place with no infection. What could be causing this?

On this episode, Dr. McMurry talks about:

  1. My child is complaining of ear pain. At a recent checkup, tubes were still in place with no infection.What could be causing this?
  2. I suffer from sinus pressure, congestion, ear popping, neck pain, runny nose, itchy throat, and coughing. The only thing that seems to help is an antibiotic and a steroid. What else can I do?


What is the recovery look like for an adult tonsillectomy?

On this episode, Dr. Kakarlapudi talks about:

  1. What is the recovery look like for an adult tonsillectomy?
  2. What is the difference between a sinus headache and a migraine headache?


Is balloon sinuplasty permanent or will I have to undergo repeated procedures?

On this episode, Dr. Shotts talks about:

  1. Is balloon sinuplasty permanent or will I have to undergo repeated procedures?
  2. My young child has trouble with balance and dizziness. Do vestibular exercises work?
  3. Can I get a list of symptoms associated with hyperparathyroidism?


Can I still use my serum if it was left out of the fridge for a few days?

On this episode, Dr. Ingram talks about:

  1. Can I still use my serum if it was left out of the fridge for a few days?
  2. I am deaf in my right ear and have a broken bone in the same ear. Is there surgery for my problem, like cochlear implants? Left ear has 35% hearing loss.
  3. I can hear a “heartbeat” in my head that coincides with my heart rate. Is this the same as “pulsatile tinnitus”? What can I do for it?


Can my granddaughter submerge under water with ear tubes?

On this episode, Dr. Carter talks about:

  1. Can my granddaughter submerge under water with ear tubes?
  2. Are stuffy noses common during pregnancy?
  3. Can I develop allergies later in life?


Vestibular disorders, tonsil stones, and winter allergies

On this episode, Dr. Allison talks about:

  1. My mother is 80 years old and having difficulty with balance. I read an article about vestibular disorders. Would it be wise to have my mother checked out by an ENT physician?
  2. I have tonsil stones that pop out a lot and gag me. I read that a laser can be used in the area to help remove the pockets. What are my options for relief?
  3. I’ve heard this allergy season could be the worst we ever had. Does the winter have an impact on how bad spring allergies will be?


Can loud music or noise really damage my ears?

On this episode, Dr. McMurry talks about:

  1. Can loud music or noise really damage my ears?
  2. I noticed my sense of taste has dulled, what could be happening?
  3. What’s the difference between vertigo and just being dizzy?


Mucus, Tinnitus, and Vertigo

On this episode, Dr. Fichandler talks about:

  1. All winter, my mucus has been thick and bloody. My nose is crusted in the morning and when I blow my nose, there is always blood. What could this be?
  2. What is the cause of constant tinnitus in one ear that has persisted for 2 years?
  3. Can children experience vertigo?


Should a thyroid with nodules bother my throat if singing?

On this episode, Dr. Kakarlapudi talks about:

  1. Should a thyroid with nodules bother my throat if singing?
  2. Is there a cause of vertigo, and if so, what can I do to avoid it?
  3. One of my ears feels like I am in a tunnel when I talk, it’s like having a pocket of water in my ear after swimming. Anything I can do to help?

Can a sinus infection affect your hearing?

On this episode, Dr. Welsh talks about:

  1. Can a sinus infection affect your hearing?
  2. Why do children get more ear infections as opposed to adults?
  3. What are the differences between a cold and allergies?


Is it okay to travel with an ear infection?

On this episode, Dr. Forwith talks about:

  1. Is it okay to travel with an ear infection?
  2. Is swelling in my clavicle and neck pain a sign of a thyroid problem?
  3. My mother had a thyroid disorder. Will I inherit this?

What is the best way to clean earwax from my ears?

On this episode, we talk about:

  1. What is the best way to clean earwax from my ears?
  2. My left ear makes a crackling noise and accompanied with a headache. Doctor said my ear is clear, what should I do to help?
  3. Can nasal sprays be addictive?


How many ear infections before you look at ear tubes as an option?

On this episode, we talk about:

  1. How many ear infections before you look at ear tubes as an option.
  2. Does snoring indicate a health problem?
  3. Home remedies for helping sinus infections.


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